About Us
The Mid Wales Transportation area, previously known as TraCC, comprises the central area of Wales from the English border in the east to the Welsh coast in the west and encompasses the local authorities of Powys and Ceredigion. The area also includes part of the Bannau Brycheiniog National Park. From 1st April 2024, Mid Wales Transportation planning is the responsibility of the Mid Wales Corporate Joint Committee.

What we will do?

We will work together with both Ceredigion and Powys County Councils highways and public transport functions to plan and influence policy on specific regional solutions to local integrated, decarbonised transport issues.
We will assist the Welsh Government in delivering its national transport strategy that will integrate transport policies on a regional basis and identify priorities for future investment in collaboration with partners.
Our current Vision is:

"To plan for and deliver in partnership an integrated transport system in the Mid Wales region that facilitates economic development, ensures access for all to services and opportunities, sustains and improves the quality of community life and respects the environment".
Draft Mid Wales Regional Transport Plan Consultation
Growing Mid Wales, which also functions as the region's Corporate Joint Committee, holds responsibility for regional transport planning, strategic land use planning, and promoting economic well-being.
Transport plays a vital role in our daily lives, shaping how we access work, education, healthcare, and leisure. In recognition of its importance, the Mid Wales Corporate Joint Committee is developing a Regional Transport Plan (RTP) to identify how they will contribute to the delivery of the Welsh Governments National Transport Strategy and transform transportation in the region.
The draft RTP sets an ambitious vision to create a sustainable, low-carbon, and efficient transport system. It will focus on improving connectivity within and beyond Mid Wales while tackling challenges unique to our rural landscape.
Key objectives of the RTP include:
- Increasing access to sustainable transport modes such as cycling, walking, and public transport.
- Enhancing transport links to drive economic and tourism growth.
- Supporting efforts to reduce the environmental impacts of transport.
View the Draft Regional Transport Plan: Mid Wales Draft Regional Transport Plan for Consultation (PDF, 2 MB)
A summary of the plan is also available: Mid Wales Regional Transport Plan Summary (PDF, 367 KB)
Draft Regional Transport Plan appendices:
Appendix 1 Case for Change: MWRTP_Appendix_1 Case for Change (PDF, 2 MB)
Appendix 2 Hub & Spoke Diagrams: MWRTP_Appendix_2 Hub & Spoke Diagrams (PDF, 1 MB)
Appendix 3 National, Regional and Local Policies: MWRTP_Appendix_3 National, Regional and Local Policies (PDF, 497 KB)
Appendix 4 Engagement Plan: MWRTP_Appendix_4 Engagement Plan (PDF, 259 KB)
Appendix 5 Appraisal of objectives: MWRTP_Appendix_5 Appraisal of objectives (PDF, 121 KB)
Appendix 6 SEA and Appendices: MWRTP_Appendix_6 SEA_and_Appendices (PDF, 2 MB)
Appendix 7 RTDP: MWRTP_Appendix_7 RTDP (PDF, 568 KB)
Appendix 8 Prioritisation Tool Note: MWRTP_Appendix_8 Prioritisation Tool Note (PDF, 293 KB)
Appendix 9 M&E Plan: MWRTP_Appendix_9 M&E Plan (PDF, 270 KB)
Draft Integrated Impact Assessment: Mid Wales Regional Transport Plan Draft Integrated Impact Assessment (PDF, 372 KB)
Integrated Well Being Assessment: Mid Wales IWBA for Consultation (PDF, 444 KB)
The RTP is being developed in partnership with Ceredigion and Powys County Councils, guided by the Welsh Government's Llwybr Newydd: Wales Transport Strategy 2021. Public consultation is a critical step in the process, offering you an opportunity to shape the final plan.
Watch an informative video about the RTP: https://youtu.be/Br1lEQix_YM?feature=shared
We invite residents, businesses, and visitors to share their thoughts on the proposals and contribute to shaping the region's transport future. We will carefully consider all the feedback we receive, and it will be taken into account when we develop the final MWRTP which will be published in Spring 2025.
How to take part
Complete our online Draft Mid Wales Regional Transport Plan survey. Please submit your response to us by 23:59pm on Friday 4th April 2025.
If you wish to receive the information in a different format, email growingmidwales@ceredigion.gov.uk.
How to contact us
Regional Officers in both Powys and Ceredigion can be contacted via: